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- Start with mem.doc for an overview of the project. This document will
- explain the other files.
- If you have any comments or questions about the documentation, leave me
- Email on the Denver Amiga BBS, (303) 693-4735. If you cannot get the board
- to work, please try to get local help from some technical type. I cannot
- debug miswiring over the phone.
- Several people have asked about expanding the board. I have two
- suggestions. If you can, the easy thing to do would be to use 1 meg chips.
- These are very expensive at present, but would give you a 4 meg board. The
- extra address multiplexer is already there, only a little rework of the
- select lines is needed. A second copy of the memory array is possible,
- including the drivers. If you do this, you must add another chip to develop
- more ras lines. Also, you will have to add a power supply since the Amiga
- cannot handle more chips than are on the present design.
- This project is released to the public domain for non commercial use. This
- entire archive file is copyright 1986 by Michael W. Fellinger, 1590 Quince
- Ave. Boulder, Co 80302. Any contributions cheerfully accepted at that
- address. Anyone interested in commercial use should contact me first.
- My next hardware project for the Amiga will be a cheap hard disk interface.
- Anyone interested should leave me Email. At this time, the hardware has been
- figured out, but I need a device driver. Help would be appreciated.